相关单词近义词 loot 掠夺品, steal 偷, rob 抢劫, pillage 掠夺, booty 战利品, ransack 彻底搜索, raid 突然袭击, swag 赃物stolen goods, 失窃货物, spoils 赃, ill-gotten gains [法] 非法所得..., fleece 羊毛, despoil 夺取, foray 突袭, robbery 抢劫, dispossess 剥夺, pirate 海盗, expropriation 没收, sack 袋子, rifle 步枪, spoil 宠坏, ravage 毁坏, rape 强奸, dirty money 非法钱财, strip 剥去, prize 奖品, reave 抢夺, violate 侵犯, deprive 剥夺临近词plunge, plump, plunderer, plunderrr, plunderous, plunderage, plunderbund, plunderable, plunder bund, plunder the town, plunder the bank, plunder a village 返回 plundering