- n.头壳
- Mount the cartridge LOOSELY in the headshell.
将唱头轻锁在唱头盖上。 - Later I once tighten a cartridge to the headshell using the small screw driver that came with the cartridge.
机械换能的工具本身的机械结构就会影响到它的工作结果。 - Years ago I had a Philips 212 turntable and cartrdige was mounted on a plate which is then slided into the headshell slot.
另一件我能想到的影响因素 - 唱头本身的结构共振特性。 - 3. Mount the cartridge LOOSELY in the headshell.
将唱头轻锁在唱头盖上。 - 11.Mount cartridge under headshell with fingerlift on top of head shell.If possible, use bolts supplied with your cartridge.