- 安丹
- He noticed that they had ordered one meal, andan extra drink cup.
他又看到这位绅士很小心的把汉堡分一半,然后把薯条一条条数出来,一条给他,另一条又给他太太,直到他们平均分完薯条。 - In the second structure, the verb is followed by a particle andan object.
第二种动词与小词搭配,再跟宾语。 - AndAn impacted with their wisdom tooth is one 1 that fails to completely rise through the guns.
阻生智齿是指未能完全从牙龈中出来的智齿。 - AndAn adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for limit a limited time, usually once one semester.
辅助教授只是在有限的时间里被聘用来教书,通常是一个学期。 - AndAn adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time, usually once a one semester.